We got some early news. On Monday my doctor called me and told me she wanted to see me today. I was a little panicked, why would she want to see me so soon? It could only have been bad news right? So I was preparing myself for the worst. But on the way there I was telling Bradley, I can try to prepare for the worst but until I hear the news I really can't imagine the worst.
We got there they did the normal routine things. Check blood pressure, check the babies heart beat. (which was strong and healthy) Then she told me we got back some preliminary results and she wanted to talk to us right away.
We went in her office and she told us that our sweet baby has Triploidy. What's that? She has a full set of extra chromosomes. Most people have 46, our baby has 69.
Most woman miscarry within the first trimester, which of course I haven't. Bradley said she is just stubborn.
Now for the hard part. In most cases of triploidy the baby will eventually end up in a miscarriage. But in some cases the baby will grow to full term and will either be stillborn or live for just a short time after that. No matter what happens this baby wont live.
So...if that isn't hard enough Dr. Meents also told me now I'm at risk. I can become extremely sick and risk a number of health issues.
She told us that she is pro life, but in this situation with my risk she suggested to induce my labor early.
I've had a lot of advice from a lot of different family members. All supporting whatever me and Bradley decide. But we do know if we keep this pregnancy going I could die and then my kids won't have a mom. People keep reminding me that my kids need me and I need to take care of myself.
As of this morning we have prayed and decided we will induce, but just now I read some story about a couple just letting it go on and she just eventually miscarried.
I still have a lot of questions for both the specialist which we see on Tuesday and for my own doctor. So I'm glad I don't have to make this decision now. Although I think Bradley is leaning towards inducing me, and most of the time I am too.
This is such a hard decision. I can feel her kick all the time, which makes this decision even harder.
This is probably the hardest thing I have gone through. Knowing I will have to deliver this baby and not get to take her home gets me every time. But I know I am so blessed with 2 healthy kids and someday we will get to raise this baby. Thank you for all your prayers and for those that fasted for us on Sunday.
Bradley's mom put it the best way. "Our fasting worked, she is here to gain a body and that's all she needed".
2 years ago
Sheena, It's Melissa (Pond). I got here from Michelle's blog. My heart is breaking....literally breaking for you!!! I'm so sorry you are faced with this decision. Your spirit seems strong and I know that the decision you make will be the right decision. Have faith in Heavenly Father and he will guide you to do what is right for your situation. He wants you to raise your sweet kiddos too. I will be praying for you also.
I am sorry. I am glad you have answers now though, and don't have to wonder!
We will keep you in our prayers so that you can make the best choice and be at peace with your choice.
I will just say from the experience I just had, while lying on the operating table loosing blood. . . I would do it all over again if that's what I had to do to get Gwen here. . . but I also know that she will probably be our last child, because the risks are too great for me.
There was a point when the nurses and doctor were starting to get scared, because I was becoming non-responsive. I knew what was going on around me, but couldn't talk or move. But I do remember thinking over and over again, Ainsley is going to be mad if I don't make it home.
I am glad you don't have to make a decision right now and can wait to talk to the genetic counselor.
For now love those kicks. . . for as long as you can!
Hey Sheena sorry to hear about your sweet baby. We will be praying for you guys. Tom's cousin just went through this same thing not long ago. We know how powerful it can be to have lots of people praying for you.
wow ... I am so sorry that you are having to deal with this! It is amazing what the Lord does to help us grow and learn though. :)
I have a friend who went through this exact same thing. You can look her up on my facebook: Sarah Pace.
she was incredibly strong through the whole thing and I know she would be willing to help you through this in any way possible!
You are stronger than you think you are. Love to you and your family.
Such a hard decision!!! Thank goodness for prayer and Heavenly Father's guidance! I know you guys will make the right decision, and will continue to pray that you can feel peace with it!
You've been on my mind all week...
I can't possibly imagine the emotions you are going through, but I know you are doing the right thing by continually praying and seeking the Lord's guidance in this decision. I pray that you will know what the right decision is, and feel comforted that you did what the Lord wanted you to do. Whatever happens, you will be loved and supported by so many people...me included.
I love you cuz-sister!
I can't even imagine what you are going through! We will pary for you and your family!
Sheena babe, You have always been so strong. Heavenly Father loves you so much and He definitely knows you want to make the right decision. We are all praying for you and miracles are going to happen! I love you girl!
Can I just get on a plane and come give you a big hug!! Sheena I have been thinking about you all week and I just want to let you know that you are my idol and my hero you are so strong and such a wonderful person and very special person and on a positive note your little girl gets to go live with heavenly father and how cool is that, you know that she is extremely special because of that and you as well and because you have followed the gospel and were sealed in the temple you are going to be able to raise your little girl and be a family forever! Sheena no matter what she is yours and she knows that you are her mom and her sweet spirit will always be with you! gosh dang it Sheena I wish I could take away the pain for you! you are in my prays and i love you and just remember families are forever!!
Just wanted you to know my family and I are praying for you and we love and support you! You are and always have been an amazing woman!
I am so sorry you have to go through this Sheena. Your family sounds so strong and you will get through. Life can be so hard at times, but also so good. I will pray for your family.
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